Current vitamin D dosage recommendations may not be high enough, according to new research.1
Two new studies from Intermountain Health, presented at the American Heart Association’s 2023 Scientific Sessions, focused on vitamin D’s effects on heart disease and stroke.1 In doing so, they found that the current dosage recommendations for the micronutrient may be too low.
Insufficient amounts of vitamin D can lead to serious health consequences.
“We have previously evaluated vitamin D in observational studies and found insufficient levels to be associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes,” lead study author Heidi May, PhD, told Health.
May explained that other observational studies have reported similar findings, so the research team wanted to evaluate the association in a randomized clinical trial.
The current daily recommendation for vitamin D is 600 International Units (IU) for adults aged 19–70, and 800 IU for adults 71 and older.2
Here’s why the current vitamin D dosage recommendation may not be enough, how too little vitamin D can negatively impact your cardiovascular health, and how to ensure you’re getting enough vitamin D.